
ñ  Prize Ceremony ñ  Hong Kong ñ  Chak Lam Coleman WONG with Andre Agassi, Bernard Guidicelli, Juan Carlos Capelli,  Juan Carlos Capelli, and Alex Corretja ñ La DÈfense ñ 2017/06/03

【體路專訊】第八屆「LONGINES Future Tennis Aces發掘未來網球冠軍」錦標賽上周六(3日)在法國巴黎進行皇者之戰。冠軍賽上,首度打入總決賽的香港區代表黃澤林 (Coleman)力戰下僅以局數1:2不敵波蘭選手Martyn Pawelski,但仍勇奪亞軍創出香港參加此項賽事有史以來的最佳成績。

Longines Future Tennis Aces 2017 ñ 1/4 ñ Hong Kong ñ Chak Lam Coleman WONG ñ VS ñ India ñ Udit GOGOI ñ Tournament Day 2 La Defense ñ 2017/06/02

Longines Future Tennis Aces 2017 ñ Exhibition Match ñ Star players Andre  Agassi and Alex Corretja with kids ñ Honk Kong ñ Chak Lam Coleman WONG ñ and ñ Poland ñ Martyn PAWELSKI ñ La defense  ñ 2017/06/03

今日(6日)才滿13歲的黃澤林 決戰Martyn Pawelski一仗爭持激烈,Coleman以4:2先拔頭籌,第2盤被對手以4:3扳平,雙方進入決勝盤,黃澤林在決勝局中奮力迎戰下最終以6:7惜敗,摘下亞軍,創出香港參賽以來歷史佳績。隨後,兩位網球小將更有一個難得的機會與LONGINES優形象大使阿加斯以及今年錦標賽教父Alex Corretja進行一場表演賽,測試一下自己網球技術的水平,為他們的法國網球之旅寫下完美一章。

 ñ Final ñ  Officials ñ  Andre Agassi  ñ La Defense ñ 2017/06/03



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